Millenium Thoughts

"Millenium Thoughts"


Orisama Street, Platform No 43, I was waiting for the train to arrive. I was running barefoot of money. My pocket was empty as well as filled with 0 cents of money. The snowfall also seemed to run away from the bindings and sprout in its own way. By the way I am Hakimu, an 18 year old boy who just know his steps irrespective of the destination. I ran away from my home. Hiding in the compartments of the train I reached Tokyo. The vibe of the city felt like the place where dreamers interact and live to stand for their dreams. With an empty stomach shivering in the cold I entered a cafe and was looking for the owner of the cafe. The owner of the cafe looked like an old school๐ŸŽ’๐Ÿ“š fat landlord. But to contrary he is more kind than his fatty outlook. I asked him if he could give me a job and he agreed. I started working as a waiter and he used to pay me 170$ per month. One day I asked why didn't you hesitated to give me the job? He said because of the clear perception running through your eyes. I used to spend nights in the cafe to save rents . I worked for 9 months in that cafe. I learned to cook different styles of Maggi, Sandwich etc,. I opened my own mini food store and named it 'Bites on wheels'. That Cafe owner Mr Brian was really supportive and kind. He was my regular customer. One day the cafe owner was seating on the chair by me and asked the most generous question. Why did you ran away from your home. I started with a sigh. That's a long diplomacy. Mr Brian laughed. He said it's either a high school phobia Or else you are a soothsayer to yourself. I said it all happened just because of my parenting and I blindly followed the advice of a person who was not running into something. From the very childhood my father tried to put on control to myself. I mean he was never friendly to me. It seems our relationship is just a mere specular formality. I always used to feel hesitated to ask out anything from him ranging from clothes, sometimes may be the food I wish to eat or some other essentials. It always felt like I am behind the bars and I would be set free the day I am financially independent. So this is stream for me Or the rage to earn money. I never enjoyed my childhood even. My friends used to play and I used to imagine how tragedy life could be. At a point I was running through suicidal thoughts. Every morning seemed to be same for me. The same old people doing hell out of their life. The same old place. And I had a senior whom I thought was my well wisher. After I completed my 10th I thought to shift to the capital town of my state, all my friends shifted there. But he said that place has nothing and the place you are in is far better. Don't come. I followed it and that was the biggest mistake of my life. So I was running through anxiety and depression at the same time. So I had two options either to quit life or to ran away to my own freedom. So that's the long story gentleman. He laughed and said you have a long way to go. I surely was not satisfied to my ethics running a small food stall. I had an idea which could solve a real world problem but I need people from tech field. So what I did was that, I made a poster on Canva which says that Bites of Wheels will serve free food to tech people who are app Or web developers, creators, UI/UX designers and Graphics designers. The first two days no one arrived as such. But the 3rd day 2 app and web developers came who were doing freelancing. I told them the idea of creating a platform where without going to college students can learn high paying skills and new geners of upcoming tech and content. Then they asked for salary. But at that point I was running with money which was just able to feed 4- 5 people. But I said I can give 2.5%share of the company to each one of them. They didn't paid a smile to it and handed over 30$ as a helping hand. I smiled over me. I didn't closed the offer with a hope that I might get to it. Weeks passed on. I kept on sharing my idea of building a skill tech platform and serving free food. Then after a hardship of one month I got two people on board with me as 2.5% share holders of this project. And after 4 months we got an investor for exchange of 5% of equity and got us the rest of the tech people we required. Things got started. By then I started my YouTube channel to build the audience so that when we launch the product we have a good user and download base. It required 1year to launch the product and we were emerging heights of excellence. We started with 10 people of community which expanded to 250 with in 1.5 year. From then we started adding on multiple things. I was invited to IIM Bangalore which as a student I couldn't make it. Then a generous question was asked from the crowd. Whether could you make it without running away from home and following what you are passionated in and also were your parents not correct at a point? I replied I couldn't have made it if I won't hide in the compartments and secondly parents are always the 1st , kind and most generous well wishers who pray for you without any hope of pay back. But what they think is good for you might not be the thing good in real. So I think each and every parents should look after it.

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