The Breathe of 15 min!!

Are things destined from the very early rise of an individual or man is the creation of his own fortune🍀?? Till ages had passed on and I have also grown older but this may be the only question whose answer is yet to be discovered🕵🕵. I was a new born delegate to the Khan's. Those age old Khan's live in holding the breathe of dogmatism exhaling love, peace and harmony. If something can destroy the harmony and peace of human civilisation then it's only being a religious dogmat. I was born in the decade of pre- independence. Hopefully we had access to education. Our classes were not held in the confinement of bricks. Our classes were held in the open atmosphere where knowledge was shared in the form of an open book. Childrens are born thoughtless. I mean do they even know to distinguish between human beings based on caste,colour and creed. I was a kid with an essence of perception of a grown up man since it's a contradiction and varies from man to man. During that period of time Or phase education🎓 was not the foremost requirement to upbring a child. In our communities a few or in hand countable number of person's were there who were well versed with true education, knowledge and wisdom and those who tried to educate others were thrown out of the community👥👥👥 or sentenced to death. At that phase of time two communities👨‍👩‍👧I.E, the Muslims and the Brahmins, used to impart knowledge and education📚📚not to unity of human civilisation but on creating hierarchies of upper caste and lower caste people of same red colour blood🩸🩸 who breathe in the same oxygen and have the same body constituent. Religion has never led the human civilisation to live in peace and harmony. It has always created hierarchies, discrimination among human beings and helped political leaders to play with the mindset and rule over them. None of my family members had either access to true wisdom of education🎓 and knowledge📚. They were the religious extremists.

Irfan a young, sweet and a beautiful soul. He was my friend since childhood. He was kind of a map🗺️🗺️🗺️. He used to paddle🚣🚣 from places to places and no route, I think could ever hide their beauty from him. He was the only reason for which my childhood days were spent well, away from becoming an extremist. Shyam Masterji was the only one who was educated in our village and secretly trying to educate the young minds of our village.

In the deep forest🌲🌲 there was a place which he cleaned very nicely and anyone could hardly find it accept Irfan. The place was full of serenity, peace and tranquility. On a cloudy day I and Irfan was walking🚶🚶 through the jungle after having bath from a beautiful waterfall which was still undiscovered and the pure water💦💦which never tasted the bleed and sadness of human wound. The sky ☁☁was in a state of spring🌱🌷🌸, rolling down dew drops to hold on place for new drops to form. Me and Irfan were looking for a place to hide our heads and bodies. We didn't get any place and meanwhile we reached around the place where Shyam Masterji used to teach children. We lost our hope to shelter our body,then a voice from the other part of the trees🌲🌳🌴🌲🌳🌴 came asking to pave entrance to hide ourselves from the rain🌧🌧. We both burst out with fear😨😨that who were those people and is it safe to go. We had no other alternate without accepting their help. We paved our steps👣👣inside. The place was very beautiful✨✨ and filled with positivity. Masterji digged a hidden cave inside the ground so that everyone is safe and he could also teach nicely and no one gets caught. Masterji served us with tea☕☕. All other children including Masterji were Brahmins and I was astonished with little discomfort.

Masterji sensed it and asked me, you are the son of Khan's? I replied yes and said that don't worry,I won't let your secret to get revealed. Masterji said, I knew the fact and you got your entry and there is a reason behind it , which is open in your sweet face. I asked Masterji whether I could I could attend his classes too and Masterji allowed us. I asked him that inspite of knowing that I am a Muslim and son of the Khan's how could he allow us. His answer was the ultimate heal to the fire of this world. He said religion is the practice of a wicked. Just see the 🌲🌲 up there. There are many branches in that tree and the fruits are also distributed in different branches. Now let's say all the fruits would lie in the same branch, then what would be the consequences. I replied the branch would collapse and many of the fruits will get destroyed. He said exactly, now take this tree as the the world or creation we live in and the branches are different religions and the fruits are the people. Now, the branches provide proper nourishment to the fruits upto their requirement. Now , if the fruits start war against fruits of other branches saying the branch I belong to is best and other fruits also start saying I belong to the best branch, do you think it's an act of the wise or fools are playing in the act. I replied fools. Then Masterji said, same is the human creation. We belong to the same world, same branches and are similar human beings. What is there to discriminate in it in aspect of religion or castes. It's just the over exaggerated fire which one day will end this world burning it up.

Masterji used to teach us basic education of English, Science and Mathematics📐📊📚. We were growing up very rapidly. Masterji used to teach us different lessons everyday. Some other day he used to teach us philosophy as well. Masterji's daughter Sudha also used to attend the classes. She used to sit, eat, drink and play with girls of other deprived lower castes defined by that dogmat civilisation. I never used to talk with any of the girls of my classes. Her smile, her way to adress people was truly serene and her gentle smile depicts the peaceful winter❄⛄ landscape. Anyone would easily and unintentionally fall in her gentle love ❤❤and so do I. At that point of time we both were 16 years old. I never had a topic to start conversation💭💬🗯 with her. One day she was having conversation with one of her friend about Quran. Being a Muslim I never knew even a penny of this holy book📕📕. On that contrary she had the knowledge📚📚 of Bhagavad Gita, Quran, Bible📖👼 etc,.Masterji used to narrate it to her. So I got a chance to start the conversation💭💬🗯. One day I reached out to her and asked if she could teach me the knowledge📚📚 of those holy books📚. She was ready to teach me and said you should come every afternoon🕒🕒. I had no other choice to say no. Then Irfan came and started taunting in a funny and friendly manner. He started saying Aman!you made it man. It was a ray of hope that I might have a chance to feel the essence ,aroma and tranquility of this pure soul. Under the shed of the imli tree she used to teach me those lessons and simultaneously she used to enjoy eating imli. Imli was her ultimate love followed up by guava and mango. Each and everyday she used to dress up 💃👗🤵👔putting flowers🌸🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼💐 in her hair. The aroma of those flowers used to lit up the air in and around. Every day she used to bring home made ladoos only for me.

Time passed on and we became good friends but we need to hide ourselves just because if anyone from both the communities could see us then it could be a reason of great rivalry. The time ⌚⌚passed on so quickly. Before, I had a perception to get her in my life. But since time we started spending time with each other,I never felt that urge. I was okay about how things were going. I didn't had that rush for things to happen so quickly. We both used to hang out together hiding away from the shattered communal riots. We all were grown up now and our tuition from Masterji was also over. So we transferred the place that was earlier used by Masterji to teach us into the common place for us to gossip with all our friends and play chess, carrom and so on. One afternoon🕒🕒 we organised a swimming🏊🏊 competition near the hidden waterfall. Me, Irfan, Ram and Asish all were participating. I just wanted to see 👀whether she cares for me Or not, whether she also has the same flame of love ❤❤or not that I had for her. So I played a game. I pretended to be drowning going in the middle and by that time my other friends were almost to touch the finishing line. Everything was preplanned. As I started pretending that I was unconscious and was drowning, Sudha without any fear jumped in to save me. She grasseped me and with so much care and affection bought to one side of the river. I could sense the same eternal love that I had for her. She was too afraid and worried😔😥 at the same time about my health and she started crying. Than I had to stop her. I said that I am totally fine and all these things were preplanned. Actually I love you and just to see 👀👀whether you love me Or not, I created this drama🎭. She slapped hard in my face and started shouting at me. She said if truly this would happen then what would you do then. I said that if today I wouldn't see👀👀the same love and affectation in your eyes 👀👀that I have for you then I might never convince my love for you, just because it might end up our good friendship👭 bond. She said nothing can destroy it and every relationship stands on the pillars of friendship only. Then onwards we used to spend more time together👫. Masterji also came to know the fact that we both used to love each other. But he never tried to point it out in front of us. Masterji had a grocery store. The store had two parts. In the front part Masterji used to sell groceries and other stuffs and in the other part which was at the back side, we used to gossip and play chess with Masterji. One evening I and Sudha,were walking in the flower valley which was near the jungle. She started asking, look do you have any future plans about our future🔮🔮. I said yes, I want to marry 💍you. Then she said that if we marry each other then it would be a reason of clash among both the communities, which may result in death of people over there. We can't be the reason for this riot. I said do you have any other option. She replied we can runaway🏃💨 to a very distinct and unknown place where no one could identify us and we would live happily and when your family counter for yourself among your friends, tell them to say that just because of all these riots, bleeding and suffering of people which you couldn't see anymore, you drove yourself to the land of your choice and I am pretty much sure that no one would counter for me just because most of time I used to stay indoors and if someone encounters for me then I will tell my mom and dad to say that I have gone to live with my maternal uncle. Her planning was good. But I didn't told my friends about all these and also took Irfan with me. In the dark sleep of the night🌃🌃 we escaped successfully. We moved to Ravindapuram which was in South. Most of the people over there were Christian✝✝ and Buddhists who used to live their own life with peace and tranquility and also let others to live. I started working👨‍💻👨‍💻 on a sweet shop as a waiter and Irfan joined a grocery store as a sales man. Sudha used to stay at home reading 📖📖 books📚📚and cook 🍲🍲food for all of us. As like Irfan his parents, Idris Cacha and Saira Chachi were also very sweet personalities. They had a very calm mindset. After I left home🏠 I knew that my family would create pressure on them. Not only in Irfan's family but they would create nuisance in the whole village. I can never understand how they can be so disgusting from the perception of human beings. How can it happen that they never came across the essence, purity and beauty of unity,peace and harmony. I used to sleep in the night feeding myself nightmares that at any point of time,if they get to know about myself they won't leave Sudha. They would kill her. The thing that I feared off,happened. Irfan wrote a letter to his parents about how they are and said that he is totally fine. The postcard had the sender's address too. When the postmaster received 📩📩it, without giving it to Irfan's parents, he gave it to my parents. Then my parents had gone to Irfan's parents with the letter in hand and tortured them physically. And they wrote about it to Irfan. As soon as I got the letter✉️✉️ I knew that the 1st thing we need to do is change the current location📍📍 we live in. We packed up everything and as fast as possible we left Ravindapuram. It seems how fast we may run but we are too slow to hide and too fast to get caught up. We stepped onto the next village after Ravindapuram I. E, Ichodaroi. There was a imli tree and under the shed of that imli tree🌳🌳 we stopped. By that time Sudha was pregnant🤰🤰 by 3 months. I saw the outrage anger on the face of my father. He had a sword in his hand as like the King's used to use. He questioned me,why have you have you done this non-sense act where you need to sacrifice your life. I begged him kill me but not Sudha and I also said that she was pregnant🤰. He said this impure child might not be born in this world. Saying these words he moved his sword towards Sudha's stomach and she was constantly begging to save the life of our child. But he didn't hesitate for a moment and put that sword into Sudha's stomach and within a penny second she was bleeding. I couldn't think off anything. It felt like I became daff. The world sought to stop for me. I took the sword from my uncle's hand and attacked in 4-5 places in the body of my father. He died at once. On that while another sword attacked me from the back and I could also see Irfan was dead. With that bleeding back if mine I killed all other man and laid near Sudha. Sudha still had sense. She couldn't breathe. She said Aman, is this the result of love. Even I don't know how my parents are. Even that innocent Irfan is also dead. What was his fault?? And so we are on the way. Our baby who was so pure to judge all these thoughts. It was my fault. If I would never plan to live together might be we all would be living today. I said we might not live together but we are leaving together. Our soul would fly together and live together. She had her sense like for 15 min and her lips stopped and our view of living got shattered.

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